Reflections of Spring

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This was taken while sitting quietly by a pond enjoying a warm, sunny spring day. The many colors in the reflections capture well the joy that comes as the natural world bursts back into life.

Technical Details

R5, 100-500 @ 500, 1/80 s, f/8, iso 800, tripod

This is sweet, Mark. I really like the vertical orientation of the reflections and the fine array of hues. I could also see maybe shifting some of the reddish-browns more toward the red just to give it a real color burst, but that would mess with the peaceful feel of the image.

Outstanding image here, Mark. As one would say, it has that painterly look and feel to it… :+1:
I could go for some more tweaking on color play that @Dennis_Plank mentions too. Looks like there is some cyan that could be pushed more red. As always, the image stands on it’s merit as is. We can always find reasons for tweaking over time. Just the nature of our given art IMO. … :cowboy_hat_face:

Lot of energy in this one, Mark. It does make me think of spring with all the new growth and colors. Very exciting. But, my first impression was a tapestry. Hum, I’ll have to think on that one. Nicely seen and capture.

Nicely done Mark. The vertical lines appear like brush strokes. Others have commented on the color adjustments. I would recommend cropping off the brighter section on the upper right. My eye keeps getting pulled up there.

This is really nice Mark! I really love pattern of the cool greens and the warm reddish browns. I also like how the pattern of colour is superimposed on the other pattern in the image – the vertical lines. This is a very intriguing image to look at.

I love the color palette here, Mark. I can see some slight hue adjustments, but if this is accurate to you there is nothing that jumps out as “off-color” to me.

The broad white stripes in the lower right grab my eye a bit, but I’m not sure that’s bad, just a tension in the composition.

Is this just a reflection or a reflect with ICM? Just curious. I really like the effect.

Marylynne, this is strickly reflection although focused on the leaf images, not the water surface.