Nature's Spectrum: Bloom to Seed

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


The bloomed artichoke wears a crown of violet under the midday sun. Beside it, the other is done with its show, its heart turned to the duty of seeds.

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome

Technical Details

71 mm at ISO 250 and 1⁄200sec at ƒ/11

Great pair. Tells the story well. Not sure I’ve ever seen the plant bloom before. Fields of them must have the most intense color! The dramatic lighting and dark bg suit the subject well.

Nice juxtaposition of the stages, Saundie. The bold lighting is surprisingly effective.

@Kris_Smith @Dennis_Plank

Thanks for the feedback! To be quite honest, I had no idea what the plant was. I had to ask the farmer whose field it was in. It was a single plant. Imagine a field of them , that would be incredible! :pray: