
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Wings wide, the Tern slows its flight, a master of the art of arrival.

Sharp at last! Thanks Allen and Dennis!

Specific Feedback

Any feedback welcome.

Technical Details

300 mm at ISO 2000 and 1⁄3200sec at ƒ/13

Nice sharp, in flight catch Saundie. Glad you are getting these. Really nice pose you captured. I would consider adding more room on the right for the bird to fly into. Tough to get an eye catchlight on these birds but still hoping for one. Nice frame.

Just a thought but for other situations (i.e. lower light), you may want to consider a wider aperture. This should still give a good DOF while maintaining a fast shutter speed. It will also give a softer BG if that is desired. I usually shoot BIF at f8 or lower (sometimes wide open) depending on the available light. I tend to shoot early in the morning including right around sunrise.

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You catch on quickly, Saundie! A very nice bird-in-flight image. Unless there’s something ugly off to the right or that’s the right edge of the frame, you might want to crop it to give a bit more room there. When a bird is approaching the edge too closely, it starts feeling like it’s going to crash into it.

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@Allen_Sparks @Dennis_Plank

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, Allen, at last, thanks to your help. I’m still getting a ton of misses, but I’m sure that’s the nature of the game. I’ll give F8 a go next time I’m out.

Dennis, unfortunately, there are two large seagulls off to the right. This crop ends where they begin. Thanks again :pray:!